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Oof! That’s a lot!

Oof! That’s a lot!

Oof, that’s a lot! That is one of my favorite lines from a friend when I shared some personal news.  It still sums up how we all feel today. There is more going on in the world than we can possibly keep track of (I suspect that’s by design).  Most of the questions...

Employees Matter

Employees Matter

It’s been an eventful holiday season here HR consulting. The good news was we all got time with our families, and some of us got to travel (Colombia, The Amazon, North Carolina). The harder news was that we traveled over some bumpy roads, and we haven’t all arrived at...

Final 2024 Communication

Final 2024 Communication

And, there you have it… It’s always a little shocking to come back from the Thanksgiving holiday in December. It was a tiny bit more shocking for me as we returned from a trip to Colombia, a lovely country where we enjoyed eternal Spring and that I would love to...

Where Humans and Machines Meet

Where Humans and Machines Meet

Ok, we got the memo. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay. But what does this mean for HR professionals, and how can we leverage this technology to benefit our organizations and our people? Lisha Gray has been spearheading our internal initiative to understand...

HR Horror Stories

HR Horror Stories

Ok, we have to start with the observation that Halloween has moved into the big leagues.  I’m guessing that competing with the World Series has made the holiday up its game a lot.  I live in one of those neighborhoods that makes the list of “Best Holiday Lights”, but...

Politics in the Workplace & Time Off for Voting

Politics in the Workplace & Time Off for Voting

Someone struggled for your right to vote.  Use it. ~ Susan B. Anthony  People who know me know how strongly I feel about voting.  It is a privilege and a responsibility.  It’s a right that I feel really passionate about and have since I was first able to vote (which I...

Balance and Boundaries

Balance and Boundaries

Last time I talked about leaves of absence and how they can creep up on us.  Let’s go a step further and talk about a culture that promotes balance and boundaries and how that might avoid some of that creeping.In California and many other places, some time off work is...

What’s the Difference Anyway?

What’s the Difference Anyway?

What's the difference? I often find myself describing what we do by talking about what we don’t do.  That can work when people understand what the HR function is, but it can also be complicated.  To help deal with all the variables (size, industry, location, work...

Affogato Has Grown!

Affogato Has Grown!

It’s almost summer!  My late-spring trip to France was lovely.  Cold, exhausting, exhilarating, but truly lovely.  A definite highlight was our open-top tour in a vintage Citroen. Back in February, when it was cold and rainy and we were celebrating our sixth birthday,...

Prevent Burnout

Prevent Burnout

Prevent Burnout I write this as a I prepare for a wonderful trip to France with my mom.  I’m grateful that this isn’t a vacation I need to maintain my mental health or sense of work-life balance.  Instead, it’s a trip I am taking because I am determined to make short...

Trust (plus one thing you need to do)

Trust (plus one thing you need to do)

This was another time I sat down to write about something and my thoughts kept getting pulled to something else.  Maybe it’s just because it’s the beginning of Spring... The one thing you need to do if you are a California employer is to determine if you need to...

This is my favorite message of the year!

This is my favorite message of the year!

If you know me, you know how much I love my birthday. It’s not about cake or candles or wishes, just a day to celebrate how wonderful life is. And while most businesses celebrate anniversaries, at Affogato we’ve always called it our birthday. Why? Because it’s a great...


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